












Beginning of a Girl’s Festival, there is description about Jiyomi’s seasonal festival in Maki in Suma of the Tale of Genji in ancient times.

The thing which is an event of the purification ceremony let run by ship can have a glimpse of the person image made with life-sized straw there.

I can think it was the Bunka when shokumono of the purpose I’ll request which is so that there were also no things bad for God appropriate for a country of a god of eight million such as the fact that you’re conducting traditional ceremonies to expel evil spirits and an account of stroking thing usage in Muromachi era using people’s high way mail after that is prepared.

When I enter Muromachi at the same time, it’s in the aristocrat, that and others, the Bunka when a dummy is petted (a princess, playing house) has started.

Mr. chick can think it became difficult it was something wonderful and that it’s being renewed every year gradually by this thing.

So to grant expectation to the perfect state of health, it’s thought a sacred precinct in the house (boundary fence) was a red rug, and that the device for it which will have God come to the residence was an alcove.

While a class system hardens from the Edo Period, chick culture is developed by people such as daimyos and wealthy merchants.

When hoping that such people want their daughter and granddaughter to be more abundantly than oneself happily, I think a way of thinking of arakajimeshuku came in.

arakajimeshuku is something to which I don’t come suddenly and the way of thinking to which you come finally by piling up and waiting a celebration happily, and I can think Mr. chick who is baby’s scapegoat (alter ego) in a chick ornament prayed for future happy marriage, and started to make it a chick ornament in the state which got married happily.

So will a class system be a bridal with people more high-ranking than oneself (for an ultimate, generals or His Majesty the Emperor)) in the Edo Period which hardened, I can think such bridegroom unparalleled in the world (the doll Mr. Imperial Palace who put a wonderful costume on will be) to have come to request together with future happiness by displaying the (doll Mr. chick who put the costume the daughter and granddaughter could balance for Mr. Imperial Palace on will be in front of the gilt folding screen by branching and a pair.

When everyone says to a shrine and prays to God for help exactly, variously, together, please, (Japanese thought), like, because I have God come to the house hard, I make an offering to the God who entrusted expectation to various dolls and tools, made a chick ornament and had come baby’s safe growth and the case that future happiness is considered in a house, please, it’s small only in house, you’re deifying and you continue it as the personal celebration I’ll do for the child every year.

